Even fitness models suffer from cellulite

Even fitness models suffer from cellulite

Cellulite cannot be defeated, but it is possible to “soften” the syndrome by reducing the number and volume of plaques, and making the skin more toned. How to achieve this?

American scientists from the University of Pittsburgh came to the conclusion that GHD (aka lipodystrophy or cellulite) is not only not a disease, but it is not even a defect: in their opinion, the “crust” is a sign that the body is able to accumulate a sufficient amount of fatty acids, which improve brain function.

However, do not panic because of this diagnosis. As we remember, 95% of women are prone to GHD. Fatty plaques can appear at the age of 13, and at 50, and in thin and fat people. In addition, cellulite is inherited, which means that it is extremely difficult to completely cure lipodystrophy. The only thing is that you can “soften” the syndrome by reducing the number and volume of plaques, and making the skin more toned.

How to achieve this?

First: you should do physical exercises, or rather stretching - stretching. Such exercises have a beneficial effect on the connective tissue, strengthening it.

Second: take collagen. And only inside. Moreover, you can safely take the culinary gelatin familiar to us, either making healthy jelly desserts out of it, or in its pure form, diluting the required amount of gelatin in water at night (optional), and eating the resulting mass in the morning. It is best to eat 5-10 grams per day.

Third: consume caffeine. This substance is quite peculiar: by disrupting the operation of some systems, it improves the condition of others. In our case, caffeine improves blood circulation, which reduces the risk of swelling. Among other things, it improves metabolism and promotes the rapid "mobilization" of fat cells. But at the same time, caffeine also contributes to the leaching of collagen from the body.

And the higher the age, the more effective caffeine destroys connective tissue. Therefore, coffee should be drunk only up to two cups a day: then the risk of collagen leaching will decrease. And even better if coffee is “taken” as wraps to combat the “orange peel”.

Fourth: do massages of problem areas. Proper massage will not only improve blood circulation, but can also reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat.
GLD cannot be started, but its first stages are not dangerous for your health and beauty. Therefore, one should not overstrain in the fight against plaques for the sake of society.

Did you know that the main cause of the "orange peel" in both women and men is the hormone endorphin.

Endorphin is commonly known as the "hormone of happiness": its main function is to protect the body from stress. This is achieved by reducing pain, reducing sensitivity, as well as by improving blood circulation, strengthening immunity, and stimulating brain activity. From a positive effect on the psychosomatic state of a person, endorphin can cause euphoria. Also, this hormone is actively involved in the formation of collagen, the basis of connective tissue.
That is why various failures in the quantitative and qualitative state of the "hormone of happiness" leads to cellulite.

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