Lips TP

Lips TP

What are the injection techniques and what are “TP lips”, Russian lips and Garunova lips?

Flat lip technique

Micropapular and papular (point injections). It is used in different areas of the face, neck and décolleté and on the hands. Small doses of the drug are administered using a needle located at an angle of 45 degrees. A papule (nodule) is formed at the injection site, which resolves within 2-3 days.

Point by point method. Injections are injected into the middle / lower part of the dermis in small portions. With the help of a large number of injections parallel to the crease or wrinkle line; as a result, the drug fills a single line without gaps. Suitable for the correction of particularly sensitive areas with micro-wrinkles: the area of ​​​​the eyes, mouth and neck.

Linear retrograde. Refers to the basic and most common insertion techniques. The needle is inserted under the skin to its full length at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The input of the active substance is carried out as the needle leaves the skin with a uniform pressure on the piston; at the same time, the filler must be completely inserted during the removal of the needle. The filler fills the wrinkle "from the bottom". Most often used to strengthen certain facial areas (forehead, bridge of the nose, nasolabial fold). Bolus. The needle with this insertion technique penetrates deeply, when the end of the needle comes into contact with the periosteum, a large amount of the substance is injected at a time, due to which tissue volumes are replenished. The injection angle is determined depending on the defect (from direct to acute). It is used in the forehead and paired facial bones (located under the eyelids).

Fan technique. The principle of needle insertion is similar to the linear retrograde method, after insertion and the first injection, the needle is not removed, but turns at an acute angle and the subsequent injection is performed. The action is repeated 3-5 times, then the needle is removed. Thanks to the distribution of the drug at different angles in one area, deep wrinkles can be filled and additional volume can be given to the working area. This method of insertion is ideal for emphasizing the line of the cheekbones, correcting nasolabial folds and corners of the mouth, and lip augmentation.

Mesh technique. The injection is injected parallel to the wrinkles in the area to be corrected. Punctures are made at a distance of 3-5 mm, first parallel, then perpendicular, creating a "mesh frame" from the filler. Any depth of administration, corresponding to the type and capabilities of the drug. The technique gives the maximum effect in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, when lowering the corners of the mouth and in the lower part of the face.

Single puncture technique. The new method of so-called "soft filling" involves the introduction of flexible blunt needles through a single puncture point. This method minimizes the risk of skin trauma and hematomas, and allows the filler to be injected into large areas of the skin through a single puncture. 4-5 punctures may be enough to treat the entire face.

Multipuncture. Multiple point injections are injected into the middle and lower part of the dermis along the wrinkle and form a single line. It is most often used to eliminate horizontal wrinkles in the frontal area.
"Fern" - the needle is inserted perpendicularly into the central part of the fold or wrinkle cut down into the middle layer of the dermis for half or two thirds of the length of the needle. Ideal for the area between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds and the lower third of the face.

Parisian. A special technique for increasing the volume of the lips. The drug is injected with the reverse movement of the syringe, perpendicular to the contour along the line or crosswise ("columns"). Rarely used to correct fine facial wrinkles.
Hollywood. The technique is used to model lips with fillers; it is based on a linear technique, supplemented by a bolus technique. It is aimed at increasing the volume of the lips and the formation of the "arch of Cupid" (the line of the upper lip with a recess).

"Mona Lisa". The technique is mostly used to raise the labial commissures (corners of the mouth). The drug is injected linearly retrograde along the contour of the upper and lower parts of the lip through a puncture for the entire length of the needle.
"Sandwich". The technique involves the introduction of the filler in layers under the wrinkle: first into the middle layer of the dermis at an angle of 30 degrees, then into the upper one at an angle of 15 degrees. Designed to correct deep wrinkles and folds.

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