Biorevitalizing peeling MCA

Biorevitalizing peeling MCA

Innovative all-weather peeling for the prevention and elimination of signs of skin aging
МСА 35 - intensive biorevitalizing peeling
MCA is an innovative all-weather peeling for the prevention and elimination of signs of skin aging.

What kind of skin problems can be solved with an MCA peel?

It is known that skin aging processes are triggered by internal and external factors that complement and mutually reinforce each other (genetics, ultraviolet radiation, environmental pollution, malnutrition, etc.).
As a result, the epidermis and dermis become thinner, and there is a loss of extracellular matrix elements important for skin youth - collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. The skin loses radiance, elasticity, moisture, the relief becomes uneven

MSA is indicated for use in case of:

  • age-related skin changes;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • flabbiness;
  • dull skin color;
  • uneven skin relief.

Mechanism of action of MSA:
has a multi-level effect;
superficially restores evenness and transparency of the stratum corneum, provides intensive renewal of the epidermis;
in the dermis stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, activates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, providing a complex biorevitalizing effect;
destroys defective structures (damaged collagen and HA, old cells, hyperkeratosis).


The number of layers of MCA peeling depends on the condition of the skin and the expected effect.
if peeling is performed as a VIP treatment for radiance and smoothness of the skin, it is enough to apply the composition in 1 layer;
If you need to work with thick, oily, dehydrated, more aged skin, you will need 2-3 layers of peeling, but it is important to remember that in this case it is not suitable for use in summer.

The interval between MCA procedures is 10 days in the summer (when 1 peel layer is used) and 14-21 days if the work is carried out in several layers for a more pronounced effect.

MSA can be used alone or together with a biorevitalizant in the Lift Up complex procedure according to the scheme: 2-4 procedures with an interval of 10-14-21 days.

Results of using MCA peeling:
active skin renewal with improvement of all its characteristics: turgor, elasticity, color, texture, even surface, narrowing and cleansing of pores;
lifting effect.

1 treatment (summer) 600 sek
3 treatments (every 10 days) 1700 sek

MCA+lift up :
1 treatment (summer) 1600 sek
3 treatments (in 10-14-21 days) 4500 sek
All taxes included.




26 August 2022



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Adress: Lyckselevägen 48, Vällingby
Juridisk adress: Söderberga gårdsv 65, 16252 Stockholm